

Food, groceries, accommodation, living costs, lifestyle and insurance (such as your Overseas Student Health Cover) are just a few expenses that you need to consider for your budget. With your living costs, there are many components what will need to be covered. 

Living Costs

The Australian Government estimates students need at least A$29,710 per year to cover living expenses, which will vary from individual to individual. This estimate covers expenses such as groceries, accommodation, entertainment, and public transport:

  • Accommodation:  $240-$840 p/w
  • Public transport: $55 p/w
  • Entertainment: $100-170 p/w
  • Utility bills (electricity, gas, water): $30-50 p/w
  • Groceries: $100 p/w
  • Phone/internet: $20-$45 p/w

Budgeting Tips

  • Make your own tea or coffee
  • Drink water during the week, and other drinks over the weekend
  • Lookout for specials at grocery stores (Woolworths, Coles, IGA and Aldi are the most popular)
  • Keep an eye out for home brands at grocery stores (which can be cheaper than well-known brands)
  • Cook your own meals
  • Buy second-hand rather than brand new
  • Have breakfast on campus on the days we offer free breakfast
  • Participate in our campus activities as there may be free food and refreshments.